Imperial Command of the Raccoon General

Thoughts and Memoirs of a Ring-tailed and Masked Dominator of the World

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General of the mighty Raccoon Army

Monday, January 09, 2006

Oh the whole Black Metal thing resurfaces...

Well, it's the new year and frankly, I'd start off by saying how despite the few good things I had then especially in due part to my friends and bestfriends, 2005 has been a bad year for me and seeing it pass into the pages of history is a bittersweet experience. Bitter because all the pains it left me to endure and sweet because maybe, just maybe, it will all be over.

In Malaysia however the coming of the new year was heralded by bad tidings, though for myself and the people around me, it felt neutral; as if little changed and nothing was occuring. However, the country is now in a state of another paranoia; one of which we had seen several years ago and thus far has seemed to resurface. This is not some study or report, and at best this my educated guess of the whole issue.

2005 thus leaves the legacy of this whole... 'Black Metal' issue for us to deal with in the midst of the new years (I say 'years' because January this year has the distinct occurance of having 3 new years; the solar calender, chinese new year and the muslim hijrah new year) . And frankly, I see this trouble already dividing us into three distinct factions.

The first faction I see are of course the Black Metal people themselves. I've never met one of them, but from what I read, neither would I hope to meet them at all. If Satanism and the fall of religion are their main doctrines, then I am very much not with this sect. Indeed, it can be said that while I am usually neutral to the opinions and actions of others (live and let live policy) this is one of which I feel that neutrality would just not do. I am no pious disciple of religion and I am a far cry from the model muslim, but I believe in the teachings nonetheless, and this whole thing that the Black Metalists are preaching seems just to offensive for me. From the coverage the local media gives them right now, I can guess that some of the people in the group aren't too happy with what is being said of them while some relish in the spotlight given to them.

The second faction would be the authorities, police and perhaps religious groups seeking to stem this dark tide. In what is being said of these people thus far is that of the abuse of power. This is in fact a delicate matter, one which generalizing, mostly through lack of understanding or uncomprimising nature, guides these people to perform their tasks to the extreme and not caring who the victims are. This is somewhat like how Nazism and other totalitarian regimes would solve their issues, and to some extent the religious sect's "witchhunt" as some people put it, seems very similiar to the times when the Roman Catholic church in the middle ages went all out with their Inquisition to supposedly ferret out heresy and witchcraft.

The third group are the other musicians, gig-goers and such young people. There are no 'everyone else' or 'people as a whole' in the sides, because for those like me, and perhaps thousands of other 'everyday people' we are far too detached from the scenes that are dragged into the whole issue. People of the third group are typically victimized by the second, whom perhaps out of power abuse or through misunderstanding, groups up this third sect along with the first one, which in turn leads to them crying out on the infringements of invidual rights and freedom.

For the most part, I think the whole problem is simply a matter the lacking in tolerance. Tolerance for the most part, and hand in hand with understanding, can keep people united, and the very fact we can dissect people as a whole group into sects, means there is a lacking in the said values. People of the third group are quick to jump on the 'individual rights' bandwagon and start blaming the authorities for their mistreatment and all, and not for one strive to think how the other side works; how they think, what they perceive and what errors in their judgement that could be fixed through an open hand. Authorities on the other hand, most especially I think the 'Islamic religious patrols', have little tolerance for the whole new-age-youngster thing, that anything that does not remotely resemble themselves, are thus the enemy. Music scenes, and in fact the entertainment industry as a whole, should not suffer the treatment the former is giving, even under the pretext of this whole black metal issue. Religious matters are a delicate subject to debate and my views (which aren't anywhere near black metal-ish at all, but nevertheless more liberal I suppose) would be fiercely opposed by the conservatives, but I will say this, even in religion, somethings persists while some change to adapt to the times. I dare as far as vanture to propose this because Islam itself is a religion based on the texts of the Qur'an and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad S.A.W, serving as a basis or sort of a constitution, which as I recall advocates men (and women of course) to think. And that fact is one of the reasons why Islam is suitable for all ages and times. Creative, tolerant, wise and adaptable people are what I think is needed by the authorities to handle the matter.

But on the whole Black Metal idealogy thing, the listeners of the music can claim that they only listen to the music and that for them the idealogy and religion issues are a seperate thing for them, but don't delude yourself into thinking that there aren't any of the listeners who actually become influenced by it enough to do devil worshipping and the like, or try to bullsh*t me by putting that up as a cause for an argument. The fact is Black Metal carries an idealogy that is being spread and preached through their songs, and some people do convert themselves into that idealogy. Secondly, there is no isolated exceptions or clauses which you can hide behind by that "I just listen to the music" defence. The truth of the matter is, if you buy their stuff, attend their gatherings, you are supporting them and thus are part of them. Generalizing? Maybe, but consider this, you buying their stuff provides them with the resources to expand their influence, and you showing up at their gatherings would only serve to encourage them further. Add that to the fact that all the doses of their music might somehow touch your subconscious, I would therefore say don't bullsh*t me by claiming your isloation from them.

I will not denounce their idealogy, for i leave that to individual minds to decide, but for me, if one of you, as is being reported, do things like drinking blood, denouncing God and worshipping the devil as well as desecrating religion and the belief of others, not to mention indulge in acts of savagery, butchery, and barbaric (Let me clarify, all the blood spilling, spike wearing and horrific make ups and outfits, rudeness and indescent attitudes), then this is one idealogy I am against.


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